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Gammel 05-11-15, 16:03   #1
~TM~ sin avatar
Medlem siden: Sep 2006
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Nystartet prosjekt knyttet til flyktningesituasjonen på Lesvos

Tanten til en av minstens venner har vært på Lesvos som frivillig. Hun organiserte alt selv (innsamling av klær, penger osv.) men samarbeidet med "Dråpen i havet" og andre NGO'er når hun kom ned. Hun så og opplevde, i likhet med andre frivillige, en nød og elendighet jeg tror det er vanskelig å faktisk forstå for oss som ikke vært der. Hun la også merke til mengdene med søppel og mangelen på "resirkulering av utdelt klær og utstyr". Utfordringer som belaster miljøet og som medfører at ressurser går tapt. Nå er hun i gang med to store, langvarige prosjekt for å endre på dette. Dette er prosjekt som kommer både flyktningene, miljøet og lokalt næringsliv tilgode. Jeg håper å involvere meg mer selv også når helsen blir bedre da jeg har stor tro på dette. Jeg deler innlegget hennes fra Facebook nedenfor. Om du ønsker mer informasjon om prosjektene ta kontakt med meg på pm.


Dear supporters, family and friends,

Please help spreading this message by sharing this post. Pass it forward ;-)

One of the projects we've been working on Lesvos are about to become reality! We will do a pilot project for a month to see how it all works out and hopefully continue from there. Starting the pilot of Supply & Wash project upcoming week!

The project being:
Renting a van with driver to distribute supplies (clothes, blankets and other necessities) from storages on Lesvos to various camps along the Northern coast on a regular basis, and hopefully longterm. In combination with that, the same van will collect wet items from camps to be washed at a local laundry and delivered back to the storage to be sorted and distributed again. And so it goes on in circles.

Currently, there is no such system in action on the island. Most of wet clothes, blankets and shoes are being thrown away due to lack of a system. It is unefficient, unsufficient and not sustainable. We cannot keep begging for locals, Europe and the world to keep sending aid supplies, and on the other side not having a sustainable system to recycle and reuse the supplies we do have!

We have a few collaborators on the island, both locals and foreign volunteers, and will cooperate with locally present NGO's and volunteer groups. We will use parts of funding we already have together with other fundings, but in order to make a longterm commitment we will soon start a funding site, create a foundation and a bank account in it's name.

For now, we will be grateful for every contribution to support this further. This will serve the refugees, logistics for storages and laundry, and local business and economy.

Hope you can help.

Vipps/MobilePay to: 0047 97196674
Norwegian bank account: 81101093735
IBAN: NO3081101093735

PS! Remember to specify that the purpose of the transfer is aid relief.

In case you will need it for transfers, my contactinfo is:
Anongnat Nak-in Amundsen
Hauanveien 47
3031 Drammen

PS! The Waste project will follow when it's ready; it's a much bigger project involving many parties. Basically, it's about handling ecological and environmental timebombs on shore and get the plastics recycled. This will benefit the environment, local community and the refugees b/c volunteers will most likely have more time to help refugees when waste is taken care of.

Lenke til innlegget for videre deling:

Storebror '02 og Lillebror '07.

Sist redigert av ~TM~ : 07-11-15 kl 02:58.
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