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Gammel 18-11-10, 10:42   #1
Didjeridust sin avatar
Medlem siden: Sep 2009
Hvor: Sandnes
Innlegg: 843
Blogginnlegg: 17
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"Climategate", eitt år etter

I desse dagar er det eitt år sidan liksomskandala "Climategate" tok til då hackarar stal mailar frå serveren til klimaforskarane ved CRU, University of East Anglia. I den samanheng har fleire funne det på sin plass å oppsummera stoda pr. no. Den beste oppsummeringa eg har sett så langt finn ein på nettstaden Climatesight:
The real story of Climategate

Eit par smakebitar derifrå:
"The contents of the emails were spun in a brilliant exercise of selective quotation. Out of context, phrases can be twisted to mean any number of things – especially if they were written as private correspondence with colleagues, rather than with public communication in mind. Think about all the emails you have sent in the past decade. Chances are, if someone tried hard enough, they could make a few sentences you had written sound like evidence of malpractice, regardless of your real actions or intentions."
"Before long, the investigations into the contents of the stolen emails were completed, and one by one, they came back clear. Five independent investigations reached basically the same conclusion: despite some reasonable concerns about data archival and sharing at CRU, the scientists had shown integrity and honesty. No science had been falsified, manipulated, exaggerated, or fudged. Despite all the media hullabaloo, “climategate” hadn’t actually changed anything."

Nytteverdien av dette innlegget? Kan vera greitt å ha artikkelen det er lenka til som grunnlag om ein skulle møta nokon som fortsatt hevdar at "Climategate" prova utstrakt fusk og fanteri i klimaforskninga og var "the final nail in the coffin for Anthropogenic Global Warming", som det ofte vert hevda av "skeptikarar" og klima"realistar".

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