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Gammel 09-04-09, 21:14   #1
Live and let live
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Medlem siden: Sep 2006
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12 ulike kroppstyper hos kvinner

Jeg satt og bladde meg gjennom kanalene i går kveld i jakt etter noe å se på, og kom over et program med Trinny og Susannah, der de viste frem 12 ulike kroppstyper og hvilke klær de kunne bruke for å se best mulig ut. Jeg ble sittende å se, for jeg var akkurat kommet hjem tomhendt etter en heller misslykket shoppingrunde. Jeg trenger nye klær, men jeg finner ingenting som passer på meg. Kanskje jeg nå kan klare å finne noe?

Her er kroppstypene.
Eksempel fra lenken:

Klarer du å se hva du er?

Fyller inn mer info som er kommet frem i løpet av tråden:


The Twelve Body Shapes

The traditional definitions of women’s body shapes – pear, apple, hourglass and triangle – are far too limiting, and many women’s bodies do not fit into these definitions. More recently, after some intensive study, twelve definitive female shapes were identified.

  1. The Column has a shoulder width the same as her hip width, a slight waist, and long legs.
  2. The Lollipop has a large bust, slight waist, slim hips, and long legs.
  3. The Cornet has broad shoulders, a small bust, no waist, slim hips, and long legs.
  4. The Vase has a big bust, hips the same size, a long waist, and slim thighs and legs.
  5. The Hourglass has a big bust, small waist, big hips, and generous thighs.
  6. The Cello has a big bust, short waist, big hips, big behind, big thighs, and slim lower legs.
  7. The Goblet has broad shoulders, a big bust, no waist, narrow hips, and long legs.
  8. The Skittle has an average bust, slim waist, big thighs and chunky calves.
  9. The Brick has broad shoulders, no waist, a flat behind, chunky thighs, and chunky calves.
  10. The Pear has a small bust, long waist, flat tummy and heavy legs.
  11. The Apple has an average bust, big tummy, flat behind, and good legs.
  12. The Bell has broad shoulders, a small bust, small waist, big thighs, and a big behind.

Hentet herfra.

Bilder av de ulike kroppstypene med klær på.

Eksempel fra lenken over:


The 12 body shapes are broken down into 4 main groups – Apple, Hourglass, Triangle and Pear.
Apple shapes include: the Apple, the Brick and the Column
Pear shapes include: the Pear, the Skittle and the Bell
Hour glass shapes include: the Hourglass, the Cello and the Vase
Triangle shapes include: the Cornet, the Lollipop and the Goblet


Tråder for diskusjon av tips for de ulike kroppstypene:

HER er kalkulatoren! Hurra!

Poden des. 01, Admini jan. 07 og Admikra feb.14.
-Det du tror, avgjør hva du ser.

Sist redigert av DM : 16-05-09 kl 12:18.
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